Felipe Lagos Rojas. Coordinator of the IIPSS Latin American Critiques Research Program.
Ph.D. in Sociology by Goldsmiths College (London, United Kingdom). Sociologist and master in Latin American Studies by Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile).
His research interests go along the lines of traditional and contemporary critical theories and methodologies and include Marxist, feminist, anti-racist, intersectional, post/decolonial reflections and debates. He teaches on contemporary society , cultures, and forms of communication. He has instructed in the United States, Bolivia, and several universities in Chile since 2003 to date .
The collective volume Latin American Marxisms in Context: Past and Present was recently published by Cambridge Publishers in the UK. It is the result of a long-term collaboration as coordinator of the stream ‘Latin American Marxism(s)’ in the Conference Historical Materialism between 2013 and 2016. Other recent publications include “Etnias, hegemonías y capitalismo en el Sur global: Mariátegui y las luchas por los derechos indígenas” (Cuadernos Americanos, 2018), and the Critical Forum “Zavaleta and the Postcolonial Condition” (Postcolonial Studies, 2019).
Member since 2016 of the editorial board of Pleyade. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Profile in Academia.edu: https://iipss.academia.edu/FelipeLagosRojas