Scope and policy

Pléyade accepts scientific contributions in Spanish or English. All published articles will be submitted to double-blind review. The journal encourages intellectual and academic discussion of political phenomena, from a variety of disciplines including political science, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies. Original manuscripts and scientific results from research projects are welcome.

Sections Policies

Pléyade consists of four sections. The publication of contributions is determined by the Editorial Board, based on expert opinions of anonymous reviewers in the object of study (double-blind peer review) and the availability of space.

Articles: Unpublished texts coming from research (10,000 words).

Interviews: Conversations with leading researchers relevant to the scope of the journal (7,000 words).

Book Reviews: Original bibliographic articles on significant publications for the humanities and social sciences (4,000 words).

Interventions: Brief articles dedicated to analyze any relevant issue for humanities and social sciences (up to 5,000 words). This section is included in the issues where the editorial board decides previously.

Open Access Policy

Pléyade provides unrestricted access to all its contents from the time of its electronic publication. The publication has no cost to authors.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Authors should send their papers in Microsoft Word (.doc) or RTF format to the following email: Manuscripts must be of a minimum length of 7,000 words and a maximum of 10,000 words (not including the bibliography).

Articles and Interviews must have the following characteristics:

  • A title specifying the content of the article in Spanish and English.
  • A summary of 150-200 words (written in the third person) in Spanish and English.
  • Between 3 and 5 key words in Spanish and English.
  • Use the notes and bibliography system Chicago Style
  • (
  • Articles titles in bold letters and without numeration.
  • Articles subtitles in italics and without numeration.
  • Font Times New Roman 12
  • Do not use abbreviations such as op. cit., loc. cit., cfr. o cf. (see next section).
  • Charts, graphics, or images should be included in the body of the text and in separate files (.jpg format and a resolution equal or over 300 dpi). The figures must be unpublished. Otherwise, the author must obtain the respective license to reproduce and cite the source in the legend.

Also, the following separate files must be attached:

  • A brief biographical note that contains the article title, author name, institutional affiliation (including country and city), as well as acknowledgment to people. The journal encourages authors to mention if the articles are originating from research projects. Include funding source, project name, year, and code (if applicable)
  • A letter stating that the article is a piece of original and unpublished work and is not currently under evaluation in another journal.
  • If some contents have already been published, or are part of a larger work, a letter should be attached in which this republication is reported.

Preparation of Quotations and References 

Authors are expected to format quotations according to Chicago Style. Both footnotes and bibliography should strictly follow this format. Also long quotations (those that exceed 5 or 6 lines) should be placed in block in the text. In preparing quotations and references, please consider the following recommendations:

The first time a book is cited, one must put first the author’s first name, then their surname followed by a comma. Then comes the full reference with title in italics (city publishing: publisher, year), pages:

Example: 1 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998), 211.


Subsequent references of the same text should have the author’s surname, followed by the title of the work, or the short title if it is too long, then a comma and page number:

Example: 1 Arendt, The Human Condition, 55.


If the same work is quoted immediately after, the abbreviation Ibid. is used (with point), followed by the page number corresponding to the new quotation:

Example: 1 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998), 211.

Example: 2 Ibid., 235.


But if the same work and the same page is quoted immediately after, the abbreviation Ibidem. should be used (with point):

Example: 1 Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998), 211.

Example: 2 Ibidem.

All quotes must be as follows when referring to more than one page: 180-220; 135 ff.

Example: 1 García Düttmann, Philosophy of Exaggeration, 106-109.

Example: 2 Nirenberg, Anti-Judaism. The Western Tradition, 135 and ff.


To quote journal articles: name and surname of the author, “Article Title” (in quotes), Title of the journal (in italics), the number or volume of the issue (year publication): specific page being quoted. The complete range of pages occupied by the single item is placed in the bibliography:

Example: 1 Alice Ormiston, “The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate: Towards a Reconsideration of the Role of Love in Hegel”, Canadian Journal of Political science / Revue canadienne de science politique 35 (2002): 504.


To quote book chapters: name and surname of the author, “Article Title” (in quotes), in Title of book or general work in which it is found (in italics), ed. editor(s) name and surname in small letters and/or publisher (city of publication: publisher, year of publication), specific page being quoted. The complete range of pages occupied by the article only appears in the bibliography:

Example: Hans-Friedrich Fulda, “ ‘Science of the Phenomenology of Spirit’: Hegel’s Program and its Implementation”, in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. A Critical Guide, ed. by Dean Moyar and Michael Quante (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 25.


To quote an article in a newspaper or popular magazine: name and surname of the author (if there is no author, the citation starts with the article title), “Article Title,” name of the newspaper or popular magazine, date it was published, accessed followed by date it was accessed, link (emphasis added):

Example: 1 “Pakistan says US Drone Strike that Killed Taliban Leader violated Its Sovereignty”, The Guardian, May 22, 2016, accessed May 23, 2016,


The complete bibliography should go at the end of the article ordered alphabetically according to the name of the authors. The structure is almost the same as that of the footnotes page, listed as it follows:

Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998.

Fulda, Hans-Friedrich. “ ‘Science of the Phenomenology of Spirit’: Hegel’s Program and its Implementation”. In Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. A Critical Guide, edited by Dean Moyar and Michael Quante, 21-42. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

García Düttmann, Alexander. Philosophy of Exaggeration. Translated by James Phillips. London: Continuum, 2007.

Nirenberg, David. Anti-Judaism. The Western Tradition. New York: W. W. Norton, 2014.

Ormiston, Alice. “The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate: Towards a Reconsideration of the Role of Love in Hegel”. Canadian Journal of Political science / Revue canadienne de science politique 35 (2002): 499-525.

“Pakistan says US Drone Strike that Killed Taliban Leader violated Its Sovereignty”. The Guardian, May 22, 2016. Accessed May 23, 2016.

Book Reviews

 The editorial team accepts book reviews. We encourage reviews that fit with the themes of the special issues of the journal.

On books and reviews:

  • The book under review should be of general interest to scholars and students in relation to politics, from any discipline in the social sciences and humanities.
  • The book under review should be in Spanish or English. Some exceptions may be made for books not written in Spanish or English, if they represent an important academic contribution.
  • Review refers to recent titles.
  • Reviews should be between 1000-2000 words.
  • Introduce a file in Microsoft Word (.doc) or rtf format.
  • With full references in Chicago Style format, using the system of footnotes and bibliography
  • (See or at the end of this document).
  • Include full details of the book (the author(s), city of publication, publisher, date of publication, ISBN, number of pages).
  • Include a brief biographical note of no more than 100 words. It must contain the name of the reviews author(s), institutional affiliation (including the country and city). Proposals should be sent directly to:

Statement of Publications Ethics

The statement of Pléyade’s publication ethics is based on the best practice guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (cope) available at

Editors and Editorial Board

 Each submission is managed by a chief editor from start to finish. Editors owe their assigned authors due care, fairness, and respect. That includes such performances as: honest, prompt, consistent, and polite communication; protecting the anonymity of submissions and the moral rights of authors’ over their work; managing peer-review efficiently so that authors receive a decision quickly (between 4-12 weeks), and keeping authors informed about any delays. Final decisions are made by the editor in chief. The peer-review process is not supposed to replace their judgment, but to provide expert resources to guide it. Editorial decisions will at all times be founded on academic standards, but will also take into account the practical requirements of managing an academic publication. The editorial board supports in the coordination, promotion and planning of the journal. The editorial board members propose readers or referees for articles submitted to the journal.


Authors declare that their article is not substantially similar to one that they have published previously or that is presently under consideration at any other publication; their article clearly distinguishes their own thinking from the ideas and claims developed by others, following best academic practice in their citation and referencing; all relevant legal obligations (copyright permissions, defamation, and the like) have been complied with; any substantive conflict of interest known to the author—that might lead a third party to question the neutrality of the article—has been declared to the editor in chief. The editors may reject a submission without further justification if any of these declarations is false or incomplete. The journal will take no responsibility for legal liabilities resulting from authors’ failure to comply with relevant law, such as concerning copyright. In cases of multiple authors, the corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that co-authors are properly credited, and that they have been adequately informed and consulted at every stage in the publication process. If an author discovers a significant error in their article after publication, they should notify the editor immediately and cooperate in its correction or retraction.


Reviews should be conducted objectively and focus entirely on the academic content of the manuscripts. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views clearly with supporting arguments. Remarks intended for the author should be phrased carefully and respectfully. Review manuscripts are confidential documents: they must not be shared or discussed with others (unless with the explicit permission of the editor). The anonymity of referees will be protected by the editor unless that right is explicitly waived by the referee. The central task for a referee is to evaluate the scholarly originality, coherence, and significance of a submission. By commissioning a review report the editors undertake to consider it seriously in coming to their decision. Nevertheless, editors make their final decisions not merely on the basis of the referees’ conclusions, but on the persuasiveness of their reasoning, especially when referees disagree in their reports. It is essential that referees explain their conclusions in a way that the editors can understand as non-experts in the topic of the submission.