Call for Papers

Pléyade. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

ISSN 0718-655x / e-ISSN 0719-3696

Nº 19 January-June, 2017


Special Issue

Otherwise than Political


Whether it is taken as a strategy of institutional legitimation, as a tool to seize power, or even as the only possible answer to the question about the meaning of existence, politics and/or the political often appear as the unsurpassable horizons of our time.

Nonetheless, several strands within contemporary thought—most notably, in recent continental political philosophy—understand political thinking as a form of interrogation whose task is to challenge the predominance of a relatively small number of concepts, which continue to determine what is politics and how politics is political. Perhaps no other political topoi have been submitted to such a radical critique as the categories of the subject and community. For it is these categories that are charged with the task of translating the principle of identity into the political arena.

Otherwise than political will bring together gather essays that explore the possibility that “politicity” may well exceed traditional political frameworks and resist being captured by current political forms. We seek work that lays bare claims that cannot be translated as links within a populist chain of equivalent demands, bodies that cannot be particularized and thus identified, actions that showcase the limits of our concept of political action.

Possible topics to explore:

  • Politics and/or the political: Continuities and discontinuities
  • Ethics and/or politics
  • The end of politics or the closure of the political
  • Political remains
  • Approaches to the concept of the impolitical
  • Infrapolitical and posthegemony
  • The Politics of Dispossession
  • The relation between politics and theology beyond onto-theology and political-theology
  • The relation between politics, modern technology and the bio-political
  • Psychoanalysis and politics
  • Political action and/or political passion
  • Is it possible to distinguish sovereignty and unconditionality?
  • Communism and community beyond the politics of equivalence
  • Does populism have a future outside of the politics of hegemony?

Guest Editors:

Mauro Senatore, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile (

Ronald Mendoza de Jesús, University of Southern California, USA (

Deadline for Submissions:    November 30, 2016

Languages:                                    English or Spanish

Publishing Date:                         June 2017

Articles must be sent to

Manuscripts will be submitted to peer-review process and should be prepared for blind review.

Instructions for Authors here